Dusty Art
Studio & Gallery
Augmented Reality Art Addresses Global Heating

In April 2023, the multi-generational and international art collaboration team
Gerhard Knolmayer X Sarah Montani X APTIQ
presented the artwork
"Augmented Reality Art Addresses Global Heating"
at the NYC ARTBOXEXPO. This video shows the physical painting combined with a virtual globe that you can generate with your mobile phone.

Augmented Reality Art Addresses
Global Heating
Gerhard Knolmayer X Sarah Montani X APTIQ,
Augmented Art X Video, 2023

Two physical paintings and a virtual globe in Gerhard's Dusty Art Studio, Vienna
Based on Gerhard's paintings, an Augmented Reality (AR) planet was developed together with Sarah and APTIQ. The development process of this virtual globe is described on Sarah's page.
On your computer, you can access the virtual globe through this page, move it, and play with it.
It is even more attractive to use your mobile phone to access the virtual object directly. There is no need to download an APP! Just activate the small AR button on the page right outside down and follow the instructions.
When the virtual globe arrives, you may play with it, shake it, take it home, and place it wherever it fits into your real environment.
But please limit your play with the Earth to the virtual world and don't contribute to gambling away our real world!
Each year the Earth Day is celebrated. On April 22, 2023, we presented the accompanying object "A Tribute to Earth Day" in Manhattan as a metaphor for what can happen if we continue to treat the real world unfairly. In this case, the blue planet can get very angry.